Python: Code Samples - Knowledge Base for Developers - page 3 (219)

Learn how to convert any string to lowercase in Python with an easy-to-follow example.
Creating a Python dictionary from two lists: example: dict({'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}) # key-value pairs from lists.
Learn how to make a Python tuple from a list with an example. Convert a list to a tuple and access elements in the tuple.
Learn how to create buttons & commands for a Telegram bot using Python, with a step-by-step example.
Create multiple items from a Python dictionary using a simple example.
Learn how to create a while loop in Python, with an example and explanation of the syntax!
Learn how to use if statements in Python with an example: create a program to decide if a number is odd or even.
Python: How to convert column to row using an example. Learn to manipulate data with a few simple lines of code.
Learn how to create delays in Python with an example: add a timer to your for-loop for precise waits between iterations.
Make a file manager in Python with this tutorial: step-by-step guide and sample code for creating a simple file manager in Python.
"Learn how to turn a set into a string in Python with an easy example: setA = {'1', '2', '3'}; strA = ''.join(setA) # strA = '123'".
Learn how to make an online chat using Python with an example code. See how it's done step-by-step!
Learn how to build a simple neural network in Python with an example.
"Learn how to create a Python set from an array using a simple example!"
Create a dataframe from a list in Python: example code & explanation of how to convert a list to a dataframe.
Learn how to shift elements in a Python array w/ an example: move the first element to the end & vice versa.
Learn how to make a copy of an array in Python with an example, from shallow to deep copying.
Convert Python True/False values with this simple example: False = not True, True = not False.
"Learn how to create real numbers in Python with this step-by-step guide and example: float(3.14), int(9), complex(1.5, 2.5)."
Create a 2D list in Python with an example: learn how to use nested lists & multiple for loops to create a two-dimensional array.