PHP how to make someone online

Learn how to make a "Who's Online" feature in PHP, with a step-by-step example.

Making Someone Online with PHP

Making someone online with PHP involves programming a script that will allow you to connect to a server and execute commands on it. In this example, we'll be using a socket_create() and socket_connect() functions to establish a connection to a server and then execute a command.

First, let's create a socket connection to our server. We'll use the socket_create() function to do this. This function takes four arguments: domain, type, protocol, and port. In this example, we'll be connecting to the domain AF_INET, which is the Internet domain, and the type will be SOCK_STREAM, which is a reliable, two-way, connection-based byte stream. The protocol will be IPPROTO_TCP, and the port will be 80. We'll also set the fourth argument to 0 to indicate that we want to use the default protocol for the specified domain and type.

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, 0);

Once we have our socket created, we'll need to connect to the server. We'll do this by using the socket_connect() function. This function takes three arguments: socket, address, and port. In this example, we'll use the $socket we just created, and the address will be, which is the localhost address. The port will be 80.

socket_connect($socket, '', 80);

Now that we're connected to our server, we can send a command to it. In this example, we'll be sending the command make_online. This command will tell the server to make the user online. To send the command, we'll use the socket_write() function. This function takes three arguments: socket, command, and length. In this example, we'll use the $socket we just created, and the command will be make_online. The length will be the length of the command, which is 11 characters.

socket_write($socket, 'make_online', 11);

Finally, we'll need to close the connection by using the socket_close() function. This function takes one argument, which is the socket we want to close. In this example, we'll use the $socket we just created.


That's it! We've successfully used PHP to make someone online. Now you can use this example to create your own scripts and make other users online.

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