Php: Code Samples - Knowledge Base for Developers - page 2 (269)

Create a mail sender with PHP: learn how to use the mail function, create HTML emails, and send attachments in no time!
Create JSON data with PHP: learn how to use json_encode() and json_decode() functions with an example.
Learn how to create a loop in PHP with an example. Follow our step-by-step guide to master this essential coding skill.
Build a PHP class w/ an example: Learn how to create your own custom class & use it in PHP w/ an easy to follow example.
Create an image using PHP with this step-by-step guide, complete with an example code.
Learn how to create a PHP variable and store data with this easy example.
"Learn how to perform a check in PHP with a step-by-step example of using if-else and switch statements."
Learn how to create PHP functions and see a step-by-step example for creating your first one.
Learn how to create a file in PHP with a step-by-step guide and an example to get you started.
Create a multi-dimensional array in PHP w/ an example: learn how to store data in multiple layers & access it using loops & array functions.
Make a "back" link using PHP with a live example: Learn how to create a "back" link using PHP with an easy-to-follow example.
"Learn how to check for valid PHP license with a step-by-step example!"
Build your own PHP search bot with this step-by-step example! Learn the basics of search engine programming & create a powerful tool for your site.
Create a photo gallery in PHP with a simple example: learn how to upload, display and manage images with PHP.
"Learn how to make an Ajax request with PHP, plus a step-by-step example to get you started."
How to book tickets with PHP: a step-by-step guide with an example to get you started.
Build a download button in PHP: learn how to create a button to download a file with an example.
Learn how to add two-factor authentication to your PHP app with an easy-to-follow example.
Learn how to send post requests with PHP, including an example of the code used.
Learn how to edit data in PHP with an easy example. Understand the basics of manipulating data and start coding!