How to get a parameter from the URL LARAVEL

"Learn how to quickly access URL parameters with Laravel and a simple example to get you started."

In Laravel, you can retrieve parameters from the URL by using the $request object which is made available to you by the framework. The $request object contains all the parameters passed to the current request in the form of a key-value array.

Retrieving a Parameter from the URL

To retrieve a parameter from the URL, you can use the $request->input() method. This method takes a parameter name as an argument and returns the value of the parameter if it exists. For example, if the current URL is, you can get the value of the name parameter like this:

$name = $request->input('name');

// $name is now equal to 'John'

You can also use the $request->query() method to retrieve parameters from the URL. This method works the same way as $request->input() but it is more convenient for getting multiple parameters from the URL. For example, if the URL is, you can get the values of both parameters like this:

$query = $request->query();

// $query is now equal to ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 20]

You can also use the $request->all() method to get all the parameters from the URL. This method returns an associative array of all the parameters and their values. For example, if the URL is, you can get all the parameters like this:

$params = $request->all();

// $params is now equal to ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 20]

The $request object also provides other methods for retrieving parameters from the URL such as $request->only() and $request->except(). These methods can be used to retrieve only specific parameters from the URL or to exclude certain parameters from the result.

In conclusion, the $request object in Laravel provides an easy way to retrieve parameters from the URL. You can use the $request->input(), $request->query() and $request->all() methods to get the parameters and their values. You can also use other methods such as $request->only() and $request->except() to get only specific parameters or to exclude certain parameters from the result.

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