How to write to Laravel session

Learn how to store data in Laravel sessions with an example.

Writing to a Laravel Session

Laravel makes it easy to write data to a session. It provides a few different ways of doing this. The most common approach is to use the Session class.

The Session class provides a variety of static methods that can be used to add data to the session. For example, the following code would add a value to the session:

Session::put('key', 'value');

The put method takes two arguments: the session key and the value. The value can be a string, an array, an object, or any other data type. The session data will be stored in the user's browser until the session is expired or deleted.

Another method that can be used to write to the session is the flash method. This method allows you to store data in the session for only one request. This is useful for storing temporary data, such as error messages or form data.

Session::flash('key', 'value');

Finally, there is the putIfAbsent method, which is similar to the put method but it only adds the data to the session if it does not already exist. This is useful for setting default values in the session.

Session::putIfAbsent('key', 'default_value');

It is also possible to write data to the session using the array syntax. For example, the following code would add a value to the session:

$_SESSION['key'] = 'value';

The array syntax allows you to access and modify session data quickly and easily. However, if you are working with complex data structures, it is recommended to use the Session class instead.

Writing to the session is a simple process in Laravel, and can be done with just a few lines of code. The Session class provides a range of methods that make it easy to add data to the session, as well as delete and retrieve it.

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