How to display all Laravel users

Learn how to easily retrieve all users from Laravel with an example.

Retrieving all Laravel users

In Laravel, retrieving all users is a simple process. The User model is the main interface for working with stored user data. The get() method is used to retrieve all data from a given model.

$users = User::get();
This will return an array of all users, which can then be used to display all users in a table. For example, in a Laravel Blade view:

            <th>Registered At</th>
        @foreach ($users as $user)
                <td>{{ $user->name }}</td>
                <td>{{ $user->email }}</td>
                <td>{{ $user->created_at }}</td>
This will loop through the $users array and create a row in the table for each user. The table will contain the name, email and registered date for each user. It is also possible to add pagination to the table, so only a certain number of users are displayed at a time. This is done by using the paginate() method on the query.

$users = User::paginate(10);
This will limit the results to 10 users per page. The pagination links can then be added to the view to allow navigation between pages.

{{ $users->links() }}
This code will generate a set of links for navigating to different pages of results. In summary, retrieving all users from the database is a simple process in Laravel. The get() method can be used to retrieve all users from the database at once. This data can then be used to display all users in a table, with the option of adding pagination to limit the amount of users displayed at once.

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