Laravel how to remove all migrations

Laravel: learn how to delete all migrations with a simple example.

Removing All Migrations from Laravel

Migrations are an essential part of the Laravel development process. They allow developers to easily create, modify and delete database tables, columns, and indexes in an organized and structured way. However, there may be times when you want to completely remove all migrations from your project. This can be done with a few simple steps. First, you will need to open the migrations table in your project's database. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
$ php artisan migrate:status
This will show you a list of all the migrations that have been applied to your project. Now, you can run the following command to delete all of the migrations:
$ php artisan migrate:reset
This will delete all of the migrations from the migrations table. You will also need to delete any related data from the migrations table. This includes deleting any related indexes and foreign keys. You can do this manually or use a tool like phpMyAdmin. Finally, you will need to delete the migrations folder inside your project's root directory. This will delete all of the migration files associated with your project. Once you have completed these steps, you have successfully removed all migrations from your Laravel project.

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