How to clean a cache in Laravel

Clean Laravel Cache: Follow this example to quickly & easily clear cache & optimize your app's performance.

How to Clean the Cache in Laravel

In Laravel, cache is a great tool to store and retrieve data quickly. It helps you speed up your application, as data is stored in the cache and can be accessed quickly. However, it is important to keep the cache clean, as stale data can slow down your application. Here we discuss how to clean the cache in Laravel.

Using the artisan command

The easiest way to clean the cache in Laravel is by using the artisan command. The artisan command provides a wide range of commands to manage your Laravel application. To clean the cache, use the php artisan cache:clear command in the terminal. This command will clear the application cache.

Using the Artisan Tinker

You can also use the Artisan Tinker to clean the cache in Laravel. Tinker is a command-line REPL for Laravel. To use Tinker to clean the cache, type php artisan tinker in the terminal and then type Cache::flush() and hit enter. This will flush all the cache and give you a fresh start.

Using the Facade

You can also use the Facade to clean the cache in Laravel. To do this, use the Cache::flush() command in your controller or routes. This command will clear all the cache and give you a fresh start.

Using the Cache Manager

You can also use the Cache Manager to clean the cache in Laravel. To do this, you first need to get the cache manager instance. To get the instance, use the Cache::getFacadeRoot() command. Then call the flush() method on the instance to flush all the cache.

$cacheManager = Cache::getFacadeRoot();

These are some of the ways you can clean the cache in Laravel. It is important to keep the cache clean, as stale data can slow down your application. Cleaning the cache on a regular basis will keep your application running smoothly.

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