How to skip a line in html

Learn how to create a line break in HTML using the
tag with this simple example.

When working with HTML, it's essential to know how to create line breaks within your content. Line breaks are used to separate paragraphs or to add visual spacing between lines of text. In HTML, you can create a line break using the <br> tag.

To insert a line break in your HTML document, simply add the <br> tag at the point where you want the line break to occur. This tag does not require a closing tag, as it's a standalone tag.

Here's an example of how to use the <br> tag to create a line break:

This is the first line of text.

This is the second line of text.
This is the third line of text.

When rendered in the browser, the above code will display as:

This is the first line of text.

This is the second line of text.
This is the third line of text.

As you can see, the <br> tag creates a line break, moving the subsequent text to the next line.


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