How to use html special systems

Learn how to use HTML special characters with an example. Make text stand out & create impactful messages.

Using HTML Special Characters

HTML special characters are used to display characters and symbols that are not found on a standard keyboard. They are represented by a predefined entity name in HTML. For example, the less than symbol (<) is represented as < in HTML. This is referred to as an HTML entity.

To display a special character, you will need to use its corresponding entity name. For example, to display a copyright symbol ©, you would use the entity name &copy;.

Here are some of the most commonly used HTML entities:

&lt;  -  less than symbol
&gt;  -  greater than symbol
&amp;  -  ampersand
&quot;  -  double quote
&apos;  -  single quote
&nbsp;  -  non-breaking space
&copy;  -  copyright symbol
&reg;  -  registered trademark symbol
&trade;  -  trademark symbol
&yen;  -  yen symbol
&euro;  -  euro symbol
&pound;  -  pound symbol
&cent;  -  cent symbol
&sect;  -  section symbol
&para;  -  paragraph symbol
&times;  -  multiplication symbol
&divide;  -  division symbol

You can find a full list of HTML entities here.

Now that you know how to display special characters, let's look at some examples of how to use them in a web page.

Let's say you wanted to display a copyright symbol. You could use the following code:

&copy; 2020 Your Company Name

This would display as:

© 2020 Your Company Name

You can also use HTML entities to display symbols in headings and titles. For example, if you wanted to add a copyright symbol to the end of a heading, you could use the following code:

<h2>Copyright Notice&copy;</h2>

This would display as:

Copyright Notice©

You can also use HTML entities to add symbols to buttons or text links. For example, if you wanted to add a trademark symbol to the end of a button, you could use the following code:

<button>Buy Now&trade;</button>

This would display as:

As you can see, HTML entities are a great way to display special characters and symbols on your web pages. You can find a full list of HTML entities here.


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