Code examples for the Stringmanipulation tag - developer knowledge base ()

"Learn how to convert an array to a string in Swift, with an example of a simple array of strings to illustrate the process."
Discover how to capitalize each word in Python using a simple example. Learn the basics of string manipulation for a variety of programming tasks.
How to reverse a string in Python: learn how to reverse a string using slicing and a for loop, with an example.
"Split strings in Python using multiple separators with an example: s.split(';|,') --> ['a','b','c','d']. Learn more!"
Learn how to capitalize letters in Python with a simple example: convert a string to uppercase using str.upper().
Learn how to capitalize the first letter of a string in Python with an example.
Learn how to concatenate strings in php w/ a simple example. Concatenation is an essential skill for php programming.
Learn how to create a string in PHP with an example. Find out the different ways to define and format strings and how to manipulate them.
Learn how to capitalize the first letter of a string in Javascript with an example.