Code examples for the Sql tag - developer knowledge base ()

Learn how to write SQL queries in Ruby on Rails with an example, from building a basic query to advanced search techniques.
Learn how to use Ruby on Rails and SQLite3 with an example: create a web app and interact with a database.
Learn how to delete a record from a Laravel DB w/ an example: Create a controller, define a route, use Eloquent's delete() method.
Learn how to view Laravel SQL queries with an example.
Laravel: link two tables with an example showing how to use Eloquent relationships.
Learn how to connect to a database with Laravel, complete with an example to get you started.
Build MySQL queries with PHP: learn how to execute simple & complex queries with an example.
Learn how to create a secure, dynamic PHP/MySQL shopping cart with a step-by-step example.
Learn how to create a secure user registration system using PHP and MySQL with a step-by-step guide and example.