Code examples for the tips tag - developer knowledge base ()

Learn how to enable Sublime Text 3's auto-complete & suggestion features for faster coding & fewer typos.
"Learn how to store laravel functions and use them efficiently with a simple example."
Delete Laravel session w/ example: Learn how to quickly & securely remove session data from your Laravel app.
Find out how to save files in Laravel with the help of: Using a storage and tooling tools.
Make a screenshot with Swift 2+: learn how to capture what's displayed on your screen with this easy-to-follow guide.
Make a list from a Python dictionary's keys w/ example: dict_keys([1,2,3]) -> [1,2,3]
Learn how to make payments in a Telegram bot using Python, with an example to follow.
Learn how to create a Python module with an example & step-by-step instructions.
Learn how to create an object in PHP with an example. Discover the power of object-oriented programming and see how easy it is to create objects with PHP.
Create dynamic, user-friendly webpages with JavaScript Popup Tips — learn how with an example!
"Learn how to ask a question in Javascript with this easy-to-follow example: 'What is your name?'"