How to make a request to the site in Python

Learn how to make a website request in Python with an example, from constructing the request to receiving the response.

Making a Request to a Site Using Python

Making a request to a website using Python is an easy process. In this tutorial, we will use the requests library to make a request to a website and then parse the response.

First, we will need to install the requests library. We can do this using pip:

pip install requests

Once the library is installed, we can import it into our project:

import requests

Now that the library is imported, we can make a request to a website. We will use the requests.get() method to make a request to a website. This method takes one argument, which is the URL of the website we are making the request to. For example, if we wanted to make a request to the Google website, we would use the following code:

response = requests.get('')

The response variable now contains a Response object which contains all of the data from the request. We can access the response body of the request by using the text property of the Response object. The text property contains all of the HTML from the website. For example, if we wanted to print out all of the HTML from the Google website, we could do the following:


We can also access other properties of the Response object such as the status_code and headers properties. The status_code property will return the HTTP status code of the response, and the headers property will return the response headers. For example, if we wanted to print out the status code and the response headers, we could do the following:

print('Status Code:', response.status_code)
print('Headers:', response.headers)

We can now use the response object to parse the data from the website. We can use the BeautifulSoup library to parse the HTML from the website and extract the data we want. We will need to install the BeautifulSoup library first, which can be done using pip:

pip install beautifulsoup4

Once the library is installed, we can import it into our project:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Now that we have the BeautifulSoup library imported, we can use it to parse the HTML from the response object. We can pass the text property of the Response object to the BeautifulSoup constructor, and it will return a BeautifulSoup object which we can use to parse the HTML. For example, if we wanted to parse the HTML from the Google website, we could do the following:

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

Now that we have a BeautifulSoup object, we can use it to find elements in the HTML. We can use the find() method to search for elements in the HTML. This method takes two arguments, the first being the tag name of the element we are looking for, and the second being any attributes of the element we are looking for. For example, if we wanted to find all of the h1 elements in the HTML, we could do the following:

h1_elements = soup.find('h1')

Now we have a list of all of the h1 elements in the HTML. We can use this list to extract any data we want from the elements. For example, if we wanted to print out the text from all of the h1 elements, we could do the following:

for element in h1_elements:

That's it! We have now successfully made a request to a website using Python and parsed the response. Making requests to websites and parsing the response is a very common task when working with web applications, and Python makes it easy to do.

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