How to make buttons in telegrams Python bot

Learn how to create buttons & commands for a Telegram bot using Python, with a step-by-step example.

Creating Buttons in Telegram Bots with Python

Creating buttons in Telegram bots with Python is a simple process, and it's made even easier with the wide variety of libraries available. Whether you're just getting started with creating a Telegram bot or are looking to add more functionality to an existing bot, this guide will show you how to create buttons in Telegram bots with Python.

To create a button in Telegram bots with Python, the telegram.InlineKeyboardButton class is used. It takes two arguments - text and callback_data.

from telegram.InlineKeyboardButton import InlineKeyboardButton

button_1 = InlineKeyboardButton('Button 1', callback_data='button1')
button_2 = InlineKeyboardButton('Button 2', callback_data='button2')

The text argument is used to specify the text the user will see on the button, while the callback_data argument is used to specify the data that will be sent to the bot when the button is selected. In the example above, selecting the button labeled Button 1 will send the data button1 to the bot, while selecting Button 2 will send the data button2.

Once you have created the buttons, you can add them to an InlineKeyboardMarkup object. This object takes a list of lists of InlineKeyboardButton objects as an argument.

from telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup import InlineKeyboardMarkup

keyboard = [[button_1, button_2]]

markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)

Now that you have created the buttons and the InlineKeyboardMarkup object, you can add them to your bot using the bot.send_message method. This method takes three arguments - chat_id, text, and reply_markup.

bot.send_message(chat_id, 'Choose an option', reply_markup=markup)

Once the message is sent, the user will see the buttons you have created. When they click one of the buttons, the data you specified in the callback_data argument will be sent to the bot, and you can handle the callback data in your code.

Creating buttons in Telegram bots with Python is a simple and straightforward process. By using the InlineKeyboardButton and InlineKeyboardMarkup classes, you can easily add buttons to your bot and handle the data sent when the user clicks the buttons.

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