How to make if IF Python

Learn how to use if statements in Python with an example: create a program to decide if a number is odd or even.

The if statement in Python is used to control the flow of execution based on certain conditions. It is one of the most commonly used statements in programming and is used to check if a given condition is true or false. If the condition is true, the statements within the if block are executed, otherwise, the statements in the else block are executed.


x = 8
if x == 5:
    print("x is equal to 5")
    print("x is not equal to 5")

In the above example, the if statement checks if the value of the variable x is equal to 5. If it is, it prints out a message saying x is equal to 5. If the condition is not true, the else statement is executed, and it prints out a message saying x is not equal to 5.

The if statement can also be used to check for multiple conditions. For example, if you wanted to check if a number is between two other numbers, you could use the following code:

x = 10
if x > 5 and x < 15:
    print("x is between 5 and 15")
    print("x is not between 5 and 15")

In this example, the if statement checks if the value of x is greater than 5 and less than 15. If both conditions are true, it prints out a message saying x is between 5 and 15. If either condition is false, it prints out a message saying x is not between 5 and 15.

The if statement can also be used with the elif statement, which allows you to check for multiple conditions. For example, if you wanted to check if a number is equal to 5, 10, or 15, you could use the following code:

x = 10
if x == 5:
    print("x is equal to 5")
elif x == 10:
    print("x is equal to 10")
elif x == 15:
    print("x is equal to 15")
    print("x is not equal to 5, 10, or 15")

In this example, the if statement checks if the value of x is equal to 5. If it is, it prints out a message saying x is equal to 5. If it is not equal to 5, the elif statement is executed, which checks if the value of x is equal to 10. If it is, it prints out a message saying x is equal to 10. If it is not equal to 10, the elif statement is executed again, which checks if the value of x is equal to 15. If it is, it prints out a message saying x is equal to 15. If it is not equal to 15, the else statement is executed, which prints out a message saying x is not equal to 5, 10, or 15.

The if statement is a powerful tool in Python and can be used to control the flow of execution based on certain conditions. With the help of this statement, you can write code that can execute different pieces of code depending on the given conditions.

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