How to make if in python

Learn how to use Python's if statements with an easy to follow example!

If statements are one of the most basic and important concepts in programming, and the same is true for the Python programming language. If statements allow us to conditionally execute code, which means we can execute code only if a certain condition is met. This can be used to make decisions, loop through data, and more. Let's take a look at a basic example of an if statement in Python:

if condition:
  # execute code

In this example, the condition is simply a boolean expression. If this expression evaluates to true, then the code within the if statement is executed. This is the most basic form of an if statement, but there are many other ways to use if statements in Python. For example, we can use the elif keyword to create a series of conditions to check:

if condition1:
  # execute code
elif condition2:
  # execute code
elif condition3:
  # execute code
  # execute code

In this example, the code within the if statement is only executed if condition1 evaluates to true. If condition1 is false, then condition2 is evaluated, and if condition2 is false then condition3 is evaluated. If none of the conditions are true, then the code within the else block is executed. This is a great way to create a series of conditions that can be evaluated in order.

We can also use the and and or keywords to create more complex conditions that must all be true or at least one must be true:

if condition1 and condition2 and condition3:
  # execute code
elif condition4 or condition5 or condition6:
  # execute code
  # execute code

In this example, the code within the if statement is only executed if all of the conditions (condition1, condition2, and condition3) are true. If at least one of the conditions (condition4, condition5, or condition6) is true, then the code within the elif block is executed. If none of the conditions are true, then the code within the else block is executed.


In this tutorial, we have seen how to use if statements in Python. We have seen how to create basic if statements, use the elif keyword to create a series of conditions to check, and use the and and or keywords to create more complex conditions. If statements are a powerful tool for making decisions and controlling the flow of our code, and they are essential for any Python programmer.

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