How to make a pop -up window in Python

Learn how to create a pop-up window in Python with an example code to get started.

Creating a Pop-Up Window in Python

Creating a pop-up window in Python is extremely easy and requires only a few lines of code. A pop-up window is usually used to display a message or prompt the user for some type of input. In this tutorial, we will create a basic pop-up window using the Tkinter library in Python.

The first step is to import the Tkinter library. This library is used for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. We will also need to create a Tkinter object to use in our code. This object will be the main window of our application.

# Import the Tkinter library
import tkinter

# Create a Tkinter object
root = tkinter.Tk()

Next, we will create a pop-up window by calling the tkinter.messagebox.showinfo() function. This function takes two arguments: the window title and the message to be displayed. We can also specify the size of the window by setting the width and height arguments. The code below creates a pop-up window with the title “Hello World” and the message “This is a pop-up window.”

# Create a pop-up window
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Hello World', 'This is a pop-up window', width=200, height=100)

Finally, we will call the mainloop() function to start our application. This function will keep the main window of our application running until the user exits the application or closes the window.

# Start the application

We can now run our code to see the pop-up window. We should see a window with the title “Hello World” and the message “This is a pop-up window.”

In this tutorial, we learned how to create a basic pop-up window in Python using the Tkinter library. We also learned how to customize the size of the window, set the window title, and display a message to the user. With a few lines of code, we can easily create a pop-up window in Python.

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