How to make str python from list

"Turn your list into a string using list comprehension, join(), and map() - see an example using Python!"

Creating a String from a List

Python allows for strings to be created from lists. This is done by joining the elements of the list together with a given separator. The str.join() method is used to create a string from a list, where the elements of the list are separated by the given separator.

For example, let's say we have the following list:

list_ex = ["This", "is", "a", "list"]

We can create a string from this list with the str.join() method like this:

str_ex = " ".join(list_ex)

The output of this code is the following string:

"This is a list"

Here, the " " is the separator that is used to join the elements of the list. This separator can be any character, such as a space, comma, or even a custom string. For example, if we wanted to use a comma as the separator, we could do the following:

str_ex = ",".join(list_ex)

This would result in the following string:


The str.join() method is a great way to quickly create a string from a list in Python.

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