How to make a function in Python

This article covers how to create a function in Python with an example. Learn how to write and use functions for better code organization.

Creating a Python Function

Creating a function in Python is relatively straightforward. A function is a named block of code that can be reused multiple times in a program. A function can take input data, process it, and return a result.

To create a function in Python, you first need to define the function using the def keyword. You give the function a name, and then define the parameters it takes. The body of the function is indented, and is the code that will be run when the function is called.

def my_function(parameter1, parameter2):
    # Body of the function
    x = parameter1 + parameter2
    return x

Once you have defined the function, you can call it in your program. When you call it, you pass in the values for the parameters. These values are stored in the parameters, and the code in the body of the function will be executed. The result of the function can either be printed out or returned.

# Call the function
result = my_function(2, 3)

# Print the result

# 5

In this example, the function takes two parameters and adds them together. The result of the function is 5, which is printed out. You can also assign the result of the function to a variable and use it later in the program.

That's all there is to creating a function in Python. It's a simple and straightforward process, and it's a great way to reuse code and make your program more efficient.

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