How to delete Laravel model

Delete an existing Laravel model using an example: understand the syntax and steps for removing a model from your project.

Deleting a Laravel Model

A Laravel model is an object that represents an element in your database. Models allow you to retrieve, insert, and update information from your database. In addition, models can also be used to perform complex database queries. Deleting a Laravel model is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps.

To delete a Laravel model, you must first create a model instance. This can be done using the Laravel Eloquent ORM. The Eloquent ORM allows you to access and manipulate your database using simple and intuitive syntax. For example, to create an instance of a model, you could use the following code:

$model = Model::find(1);

This code will find the model with the id of 1 and create an instance of it. Once you have the model instance, you can delete it by calling the delete() method on the model:


This will delete the model from your database. If you want to delete a model and all of its related records, you can use the forceDelete() method:


This will delete the model and all of its related records from your database. You can also delete multiple records by using the delete() method on a collection of models:

Model::where('status', 'active')->delete();

This code will delete all models with a status of “active” from your database. Deleting a Laravel model is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By using the Eloquent ORM, you can easily delete a single record or multiple records in one go.

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