Create a Laravel request with an example: learn how to build a secure form for data validation in your app.

Creating a Request in Laravel

Laravel provides a variety of convenient methods for generating and sending HTTP requests. As an example, let's build an HTTP request to retrieve the contents of a given URL.

The simplest way to create an HTTP request in Laravel is with the request() helper function. To use the request() helper, pass the URL of the request as the first argument, and the request method as the second argument. Laravel will automatically create a request instance, and send it to the specified URL.

$response = request('', 'GET');

The request() helper can also accept an array of options as its third argument. This array can contain options such as headers and additional parameters. For example, here is how you can send a request with a custom header:

$response = request('', 'GET', [
    'headers' => [
        'X-Custom' => 'MyValue',

You can also use the request() helper to send data with the request. To do this, add the data to the options array as the 'body' key. The data must be encoded as a JSON string:

$data = [
    'key' => 'value',

$response = request('', 'POST', [
    'body' => json_encode($data),

In addition to the request() helper, you can also use the get(), post(), put(), and delete() methods. These methods are shortcuts for sending specific types of requests, and accept the same argument as the request() helper.

$response = get('');
$response = post('', $data);
$response = put('', $data);
$response = delete('');

Finally, you can also use the Request facade to send requests. This facade provides a variety of methods for sending requests, such as the request() and get() methods. This facade also provides methods to set and retrieve custom headers, cookies, and other request parameters.

$response = Request::request('', 'GET');
$response = Request::get('');

By using the request() helper, shortcuts, and Request facade, you can quickly and easily generate and send HTTP requests in Laravel.

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