How to disable Timestamps Laravel

"Learn how to easily turn off timestamps in Laravel with this example."

Disabling Timestamps in Laravel

In some cases, disabling timestamps is a necessary step when working with Laravel. Timestamps are a feature that automatically records the creation and update times of a record in the database. This can be useful for tracking changes, but can be an issue when trying to modify existing entries in the database.

The most straightforward way to turn off timestamps in Laravel is to use the $timestamps property in the model. This property can be set to false in the model's constructor, which will disable timestamps for all instances of the model. Here is an example:

class ExampleModel extends Model 
    public function __construct() 
        $this->timestamps = false;

If the model has an existing constructor, the $timestamps property can be set to false there instead. Additionally, if the model has an existing $timestamps property, it can be set to false in the model's constructor.

Another way to disable timestamps in Laravel is to use the $timestamps property in the model's $casts property. This property is used to cast the model's attributes to a specific type. By setting the $timestamps property to false in the $casts property, it will override the $timestamps property in the model. Here is an example:

class ExampleModel extends Model 
    protected $casts = [
        'timestamps' => false,

This will override the timestamps property in the model, and all instances of the model will have timestamps disabled. It is important to note that this will not affect any existing records in the database.

Finally, it is possible to disable timestamps in Laravel using the query builder. This can be done using the withoutTimestamps() method in the query builder. Here is an example:


This will disable timestamps for all records returned by the query. It is important to note that this will not affect existing records in the database.

In conclusion, there are multiple ways to disable timestamps in Laravel. The best approach depends on the specific situation and needs of the application. The $timestamps property in the model, the $casts property, and the withoutTimestamps() method in the query builder are all viable solutions for disabling timestamps in Laravel.

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