How to use jquery in Laravel

Learn how to use jQuery in Laravel with an example, from basic setup to advanced usage.

Using jQuery in Laravel

jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that allows developers to create dynamic user interfaces, animation and effects. It is a popular choice for web developers and is included in the Laravel framework by default. You can easily include jQuery in your application by adding the following code to your blade file:

<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.js') }}"></script>

This will include the jQuery library from the public/js folder in your application. Once the jQuery library has been included in your application, you can start using it to write JavaScript code that will be executed when a page is loaded or when an event occurs.

For example, if you wanted to add a class to an element when it was clicked on, you could write the following code:


This code will add the class 'active' to the element when it is clicked. You can also use jQuery to listen for other events, such as when the mouse moves over an element, when an element is hovered over, or when a form is submitted. jQuery makes it incredibly easy to create dynamic user interfaces and animation effects with very little code.

jQuery is a powerful tool and has many more features and functions that can be used to enhance the user experience of your application. The possibilities are endless and you can use it to create anything from simple animations to complex user interfaces. With the help of jQuery, you can make your application more interactive and engaging for your users.

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