How to authorize Laravel user

Learn how to authenticate a user in Laravel with an easy to follow example.

Authentication is an important part of developing a web application with Laravel. It is the process of verifying a user's identity and granting access to resources. In this article, we will discuss how to authorize a user in Laravel.

Basics of User Authorization

User authorization is the process of granting a user access to certain resources on a website. This is done by verifying the user's identity and granting them the appropriate privileges to access certain resources. This process is often done using authentication methods such as passwords, tokens, or other verification methods.

In Laravel, authorization is handled using the Gate Facade. The Gate Facade provides a unified API across all of the various authorization backends. It also provides a simple, intuitive syntax for authorizing users. This makes it easy to set up authorization for a Laravel application.

Using the Gate Facade

The Gate Facade is the primary method for authorizing users in Laravel. It provides an easy-to-use syntax for defining authorization rules. For example, the following code defines a rule that grants a user access to a certain resource if they are a member of the “admin” group:

Gate::define('access-resource', function ($user) {
    return $user->isAdmin();

The $user parameter is an instance of the authenticated user. The isAdmin() method returns true if the user is an admin. If the user is an admin, the rule will return true and the user will be granted access.

The Gate Facade also provides ways to define more complex authorization rules. For example, the following code defines a rule that grants a user access to a resource if they have either the “admin” or “moderator” role:

Gate::define('access-resource', function ($user) {
    return $user->isAdmin() || $user->isModerator();

The Gate Facade also provides an easy way to define policies. Policies are classes that contain authorization logic. For example, the following code defines a policy that grants a user access to a resource if they have either the “admin” or “moderator” role:

class AccessResourcePolicy
    public function authorize(User $user)
        return $user->isAdmin() || $user->isModerator();

The authorize() method is called when the policy is evaluated. If the user is authorized, the method should return true. Otherwise, it should return false.

Using Policies

Once a policy has been defined, it can be used to authorize a user. This is done using the Gate Facade. For example, the following code uses a policy to authorize a user:

Gate::authorize('access-resource', AccessResourcePolicy::class);

The authorize() method takes two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the rule. The second parameter is the policy class. If the user is authorized, the policy will return true and the user will be granted access.

In addition to authorizing users, policies can also be used to deny access. This is done using the deny() method. For example, the following code denies a user access to a resource if they are not an admin:

Gate::deny('access-resource', function ($user) {
    return ! $user->isAdmin();

The deny() method takes two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the rule. The second parameter is a closure that determines if the user should be denied access. If the closure returns true, the user will be denied access.


In this article, we discussed how to authorize a user in Laravel using the Gate Facade. We looked at how to define authorization rules using the Gate Facade and how to use policies to authorize and deny users. We also looked at how to define policies and how to use them to authorize and deny users. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should have no trouble implementing authorization in your Laravel application.

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