How to delete Laravel package

"Learn how to remove an installed laravel package with an example and get back to developing your app."

Deleting a Laravel Package

Deleting a Laravel package is a straightforward and simple process. To do this, you'll need to have access to the terminal and have the Composer package manager installed. The Composer package manager is used to manage the dependencies for all the packages in your Laravel application, so it's important to make sure that it's installed before proceeding.

Once you have Composer installed, the first step is to list all the packages that are currently installed in your Laravel application. To do this, you can use the command:

composer list

This will list all the packages that are currently installed in your application. The next step is to remove the package you want to delete. To do this, you can use the command:

composer remove package-name

This will remove the specified package from your application. Note that this will not delete any files associated with the package, so if you want to completely remove the package, you will need to delete the files manually. Once the package has been removed, you can then use the command:

composer update

This will update your application to reflect the changes you made. It's important to note that if the package you removed had any dependencies, they will also be removed from your application. After all the changes have been made, you can then re-run the command:

composer list

This will list all the packages that are currently installed in your application. The package you removed should no longer be listed. And that's it! You have successfully deleted a Laravel package from your application.

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