Laravel Debugbar how to disconnect

Laravel Debugbar: disable it with an example. Learn how to quickly & easily disable the Debugbar & improve performance.

Disconnecting Laravel Debugbar

Laravel Debugbar is a package that allows developers to quickly debug and monitor their Laravel applications. It provides an interactive debug toolbar for the browser, allowing developers to quickly diagnose and troubleshoot their application.

If you want to disable the debugbar, you can do this by setting the debug option in the app.php configuration file to false:

'debug' => false,

You can also disable the debugbar in the bootstrap/app.php file. This will disable the debugbar regardless of the environment:

$app->configureMonologUsing(function ($monolog) {
    $monolog->pushHandler(new MonologHandlerNullHandler());

Finally, you can also disable the debugbar for specific environments by disabling it in the .env file:


Disabling the debugbar is useful when you want to deploy your application with the debugbar disabled. This will ensure that the debug messages are not visible to your users. It also ensures that the debugbar is not running in the production environment, which can potentially cause performance issues.

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