How Route Laravel works

Learn how to use Laravel's routing system to create powerful, dynamic web applications with an example.

When creating a web application with the Laravel framework, the routing system is at the heart of the application. It is responsible for responding to user requests and sending the appropriate response. Laravel's routing system allows developers to easily create custom routes, handle requests, and even respond to different HTTP verbs, such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

Example of Route in Laravel

Let's take a look at an example of a route in Laravel. The following code snippet shows a simple route that responds to a GET request:

Route::get('/hello', function () {
    return 'Hello World!';

The code creates a route that responds to a GET request. When the user sends a GET request to the '/hello' endpoint, the route will return the string 'Hello World!'.

It is also possible to create more complex routes that take parameters and respond to different HTTP verbs. For example, the following route will respond to a GET request and take a parameter:

Route::get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) {
    return 'Hello '.$name.'!';

This route will take a parameter called 'name', and when the user sends a GET request to the '/hello/{name}' endpoint, the route will return the string 'Hello {name}!', with the name parameter replaced with the actual name sent in the request.

Laravel's routing system is powerful and flexible, allowing developers to create custom routes and respond to different HTTP verbs. This makes it easy to create dynamic web applications with the Laravel framework.

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