How to reset the Laravel cache

"Learn how to quickly clear Laravel cache with an example to optimize your app's performance."

Laravel provides an easy and convenient way to reset the cache in the application. This can be done by using the artisan command php artisan cache:clear. This command will clear all the cached data stored by the application. Additionally, the command php artisan config:cache can also be used to clear the application's configuration cache.

For example, if you have updated some configuration files in your Laravel application and want to clear the cache to make sure the updated values are being used, you can use the following command in the terminal:

php artisan config:cache
php artisan cache:clear

This will clear all the cached data from the application, including all the configuration values. In addition, you can use the php artisan view:clear command to clear the view cache. This command will clear all the cached views stored by the application.

You can also use the php artisan route:clear command to clear the route cache. This command will clear all the cached routes stored by the application. This is useful if you have added new routes to your application and want to make sure they are being used.


Resetting the Laravel cache is a quick and easy process that can be done with a few simple commands. This can help ensure that your application is using the most up-to-date values and avoid any issues caused by outdated cached data. It is important to remember to use the appropriate command for the type of cache you need to clear.

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