How to make comments Laravel

Learn how to create comments in your Laravel app with an example of a simple commenting system.

Making Comments in Laravel

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework for web applications. It is widely used for creating efficient, secure and feature-rich web applications. One of the features that Laravel provides is the ability to make comments on your web application. This can be useful for user feedback, bug tracking, and general communication.

In order to create comments in Laravel, you must first create a comment model. This model will contain all of the information about the comment, such as the author, the content, and any other relevant data. To create the model, use the Artisan command line tool:

php artisan make:model Comment

This command will create a Comment.php file in the 'app' directory. This file will contain the comment model and its associated functions. You can edit the file to add additional functionality, such as adding a relationship between the comment and its author.

Once the Comment model is created, you can now create the necessary routes for adding and displaying comments. To do this, you must first create a controller for the comment model. This controller will handle the requests for adding and displaying comments. To create the controller, use the Artisan command line tool:

php artisan make:controller CommentController

This command will create a CommentController.php file in the 'app/Http/Controllers' directory. This file will contain the logic for handling the requests for adding and displaying comments. You can edit the file to add additional functionality, such as adding a relationship between the comment and its author.

Once the CommentController is created, you can now create the necessary routes for adding and displaying comments. To do this, open the routes/web.php file and add the following routes:

Route::get('/comments', 'CommentController@index');
Route::post('/comments', 'CommentController@store');

These routes will handle requests for displaying and creating comments. The index route will display all comments and the store route will handle creating new comments. You can also add additional routes for editing and deleting comments.

Once the routes are added, you can now add the logic for displaying and creating comments. To do this, open the CommentController.php file and add the following methods:

public function index()
    $comments = Comment::all();

    return view('comments.index')->with('comments', $comments);

public function store(Request $request)
    $comment = new Comment();

    $comment->author = $request->input('author');
    $comment->content = $request->input('content');


    return redirect('/comments');

The index method will retrieve all of the comments from the database and pass them to the view for displaying. The store method will handle creating new comments and saving them to the database. You can also add additional logic for editing and deleting comments.

Once the logic is added, you can now create the view for displaying and creating comments. To do this, create a file called comments.blade.php in the resources/views directory. This file will contain the HTML for displaying and creating comments. You can add any HTML that you want, such as a form for creating comments and a list for displaying them.

Once the view is created, you can now access the comments page and start adding and displaying comments. You can also add additional functionality to your application, such as allowing users to edit and delete their comments.

In conclusion, Laravel makes it easy to add comments to your web application. By creating a model, controller and view, you can quickly add functionality for displaying and creating comments. You can also add additional functionality, such as editing and deleting comments.

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