Laravel How to establish a specific version

Laravel: Learn how to install a specific version with examples.

Establishing a Specific Version of Laravel

Laravel is a powerful and popular web framework used for developing applications. It's important to be able to establish a specific version of the framework for use in your project.

The best way to do this is to use composer in the command line. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, and it allows you to specify which version of Laravel you want to use in your project. To do this, you must add the following line to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "laravel/framework": "4.2.*"

This line specifies that you want to use version 4.2 of the Laravel framework. You can also specify an exact version of the framework by changing the line to:

"require": {
    "laravel/framework": "4.2.11"

This will ensure that only version 4.2.11 of Laravel is used. Once you have specified the version you want to use, you can run composer install to install the correct version of the framework.

You can also use the composer update command to update the Laravel framework to the latest version. This is generally not recommended, as it can cause compatibility issues with existing code. It's best to use a specific version of the framework in your project.

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