How to test API Laravel

Test Laravel API w/ example: Learn how to use tools & methods to test Laravel API & get assurance of its performance.

Testing API in Laravel

API testing is the process of verifying that an application programming interface (API) works as expected. API testing involves testing the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of an API. Test automation is an important part of API testing and can help to ensure that an API meets its performance requirements.

Laravel is a popular PHP framework for developing web applications. It provides an easy way to create APIs for your application. Laravel also has built-in support for API testing, which makes it easy to write tests for your API routes. This article will show you how to write API tests in Laravel.

Writing API Tests in Laravel

API tests in Laravel are written using the PHPUnit testing framework. PHPUnit tests are written using the same syntax as other tests in Laravel. The main difference is that you will be using the API testing methods provided by Laravel instead of the usual assertions.

The first step is to create a test. To create a test, you will need to create a new class that extends the TestCase class provided by Laravel. This will give you access to all of the testing methods provided by Laravel. For example, the following code creates a basic test class:

class MyTest extends TestCase
    public function testMyTest()
        // Your test code here

The next step is to write your test. Laravel provides several methods for testing an API. The most common method is the call() method. This method allows you to make an HTTP request to the API and test the response. The following code makes an HTTP GET request to the '/users' endpoint and tests that the response has a 200 status code:

$response = $this->call('GET', '/users');
$this->assertEquals(200, $response->status());

You can use the same approach to test other aspects of the API. For example, you can test that the response contains the correct data or that the response is in the correct format. You can also use the call() method to test the POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.

In addition to the call() method, Laravel also provides several other methods for testing an API. For example, the json() method allows you to make a JSON request to the API and test the response. The following code makes a JSON POST request to the '/users' endpoint and tests that the response has a 201 status code:

$response = $this->json('POST', '/users', [
    'name' => 'John Doe'

$this->assertEquals(201, $response->status());

Laravel also provides methods for testing the authentication and authorization of an API. The actingAs() method allows you to authenticate a user and the assertAuthenticated() method allows you to test that a user is authenticated. The following code authenticates a user and tests that the user is authenticated:

$user = factory(User::class)->create();


Finally, Laravel provides several methods for testing the performance of an API. The benchmark() method allows you to measure the time it takes for a request to be completed. The following code uses the benchmark() method to measure the time it takes for a request to be completed:

$time = $this->benchmark(function () {
    $this->call('GET', '/users');

$this->assertLessThan(500, $time);

API testing in Laravel is easy and straightforward. With the built-in testing methods provided by Laravel, you can easily write tests for your API routes. This will help to ensure that your API meets its performance requirements.

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