How to launch laravel at hosting

"Learn how to launch your Laravel app on a hosting service with a step-by-step guide, including an example."

Launching a Laravel application on a hosting service is a straightforward process. You will need to have an SSH connection to the server, as well as a working copy of the Laravel application that you wish to deploy. Here is an example of a process to deploy a Laravel application on a hosting service.

Step 1: Setting Up the Server

The first step is to make sure that your server is configured correctly for Laravel. This means making sure necessary extensions are installed and enabled, such as PHP, MySQL, and the mod_rewrite Apache module. You will also need to create a database and set up the necessary user permissions. You can find more detailed steps for setting up a server for Laravel in the official documentation.

Step 2: Uploading the Files

Once your server is set up and ready, you can upload your Laravel application. You can do this either through FTP or SSH. If you are using FTP, you should use a program such as FileZilla to upload the files. For SSH, you can use the scp command to securely copy the files from your local machine to the server. Once the files are uploaded, you should make sure that all of the directories and files are given the correct permissions.

Step 3: Configuring the Application

Next, you will need to configure your Laravel application. This involves setting up the database connection and other environment variables. This can be done by editing the .env file in your application’s root directory. You will need to provide the database connection details, as well as any other variables required for your application to run correctly.

Step 4: Running Artisan Commands

Once your application is configured, you will need to run a few artisan commands. This will ensure that your database tables are created and the necessary configuration files are generated. You can do this by SSH-ing into the server and running the following commands:

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan optimize

Step 5: Setting Up the Web Server

The last step is to set up your web server. Depending on your hosting service, you may need to create virtual hosts or configure your web server to serve the application. For example, if you are using Apache, you will need to create a virtual host and point it to the public directory of your Laravel application. You can find more detailed instructions in the official documentation.

Once your web server is set up, you should be able to access your Laravel application on your hosting service. Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your Laravel application.

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