How to install Laravel on hosting

This article shows how to install Laravel on hosting with a step-by-step example.

Installing Laravel on hosting is relatively simple and straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Create a Database

The first step is to create a database in your hosting control panel. This can be done by logging into the hosting control panel, navigating to the databases section, and creating a database. Make sure to take note of the database name, username, and password.

Step 2: Upload your Laravel files

The next step is to upload your Laravel files to the hosting server. This can be done with an FTP client, such as FileZilla, or with the file manager in your hosting control panel. Once the files are uploaded, make sure to set the correct file permissions.

Step 3: Configure the .env file

The next step is to configure the .env file. This file contains the database connection information, as well as other application configuration settings. You will need to enter the database name, username, and password that you created in Step 1. You will also need to enter the application name and URL.



Step 4: Run the Artisan migrate command

Once the .env file is configured, you can run the Artisan migrate command to create the database tables. This will create all of the necessary tables for your application. To run the command, use the following command in the terminal:

php artisan migrate

Step 5: Test your application

Once the database tables have been created, you can test your application to make sure everything is working correctly. To do this, you can open a browser window and navigate to the URL of your application. If everything is working correctly, you should see the Laravel welcome page.

And that's it! You have successfully installed Laravel on your hosting server. Now you can start building your application and adding features. Happy coding!

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