Laravel How to check Route

Test your routes with Laravel: example code & how-to guide for checking route functionality.

Checking Routes in Laravel

Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that makes developing web applications easier and faster. It comes with a built-in router that allows developers to define routes and map them to various controllers and actions. In this article, we will look at how to check the routes in Laravel.

The first step to checking routes in Laravel is to use the artisan command php artisan route:list. This command will display a list of all the registered routes. The list will show the HTTP method, the URI, the name, the action, and the middleware. For example:

Route::get('/users', 'UserController@index')->name('users.index');

This route will be listed as:

| Domain | Method   | URI      | Name | Action              | Middleware |
|        | GET|HEAD | users    |      | UserController@index |            |

The list of routes can be quite long and it can be difficult to find the route you are looking for. To make it easier to find the route you are looking for, you can use the --name flag. This will filter the list of routes by the given name. For example, if you are looking for the users.index route, you can use the command php artisan route:list --name users.index to filter the list and only show the relevant routes.

Another way to check routes in Laravel is to use the php artisan route:show command. This command takes a route name as an argument and will show all the details of the route. For example, if you want to check the users.index route, you can use the command php artisan route:show users.index and it will show the route's HTTP method, URI, name, action, and middleware.

You can also use the php artisan route:match command to check if a given URL matches any of the registered routes. This command takes a URL as an argument and will show the details of the route that matches the URL. For example, if you want to check if the URL /users matches any of the registered routes, you can use the command php artisan route:match /users and it will show the details of the matching route.

Finally, you can use the php artisan route:list --path command to list all the routes that match a given path. This command takes a path as an argument and will show all the routes that match the path. For example, if you want to list all the routes that match the path /users, you can use the command php artisan route:list --path /users and it will show all the routes that match the path.

In this article, we looked at how to check the routes in Laravel. We looked at the php artisan route:list command to list all the registered routes and the php artisan route:show command to show the details of a single route. We also looked at the php artisan route:match command to check if a given URL matches any of the registered routes and the php artisan route:list --path command to list all the routes that match a given path.

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