Laravel how to pagine

Laravel pagination: learn how to use it with an example. Easily paginate data & create custom pagination view.

Pagination in Laravel

Pagination is a process of breaking a set of data into smaller chunks and displaying them in a series of pages. When a large amount of data is present, pagination makes it easier for users to find specific information. Pagination also helps to reduce the loading time of web pages by reducing the number of records in a single page.

Laravel provides a convenient way to paginate our Eloquent results. When using the Eloquent ORM, we can use the paginate() method to quickly and easily paginate our data. This method takes a single argument which is the number of records per page. For example, to retrieve 25 records per page, we can use the following code:

$records = Record::paginate(25);

We can also specify the page number by passing an additional parameter to the paginate method. For example, to get records from the second page we can use the following code:

$records = Record::paginate(25, 2);

We can also get the total number of records in a paginated collection by accessing the total() method:

$total = $records->total();

We can also get the total number of pages in a paginated collection by accessing the lastPage() method:

$last_page = $records->lastPage();

The paginated Eloquent collection also has several other useful methods such as nextPageUrl(), previousPageUrl(), hasMorePages() and many more. To access these methods, we need to pass the current page URL as an argument to the paginate method:

$records = Record::paginate(25, [
    'url' => '/records'

By doing this, we can access any of the pagination methods mentioned above. For example, we can get the URL for the next page using the nextPageUrl() method:

$next_page_url = $records->nextPageUrl();

Laravel also provides a convenient way to generate HTML for paginated results. We can use the render() method to generate HTML for a paginated collection. For example, to generate HTML for a paginated collection, we can use the following code:

$paginator_html = $records->render();

The render() method also takes an optional argument which is the view file to be used for rendering the HTML. For example, we can use the following code to render HTML using a custom view file:

$paginator_html = $records->render('custom-paginator');

Laravel also provides a convenient way to customize the pagination HTML. We can use the links() method to generate HTML with custom parameters. For example, to generate HTML with custom parameters, we can use the following code:

$paginator_html = $records->links('custom-parameters');

Laravel pagination makes it easy to display large amounts of data efficiently and intuitively. By using the paginate method and the convenient methods provided by the Eloquent collection, we can quickly and easily paginate our Eloquent results.

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