Laravel How to change Request

Laravel: How to modify request data with an example. Learn how to use the powerful `request()->merge()` method to alter request data.

Changing Request Data in Laravel

The Laravel framework offers a number of ways to change the data in an incoming request. This can be useful if you need to modify the data before processing it.

Using Request Facades

The easiest way to modify data in a request is to use the Request facade. This provides a number of methods that can be used to modify the request data. For example, if you wanted to add a new parameter to the request, you could use the `add()` method:

$request->add(['new_param' => 'value']);
You can also use the `merge()` method to add multiple parameters at once:

$request->merge(['param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2']);
You can also use the `replace()` method to completely replace the existing request data:

$request->replace(['param1' => 'new_value', 'param2' => 'new_value2']);
Finally, you can use the `only()` and `except()` methods to filter the request data. The `only()` method will return only the specified parameters, while the `except` method will return all the parameters except those specified:

// Return only 'param1' and 'param2'
$request->only('param1', 'param2');

// Return all parameters except 'param1'

Using Middleware

Another way to modify the incoming request data is to use middleware. Middleware provides a way to intercept requests and modify the request data before it is passed to the controller. To modify the request data in middleware, you can access the request object and modify it like you would in a controller. For example, you could use the `add()` method to add a new parameter:

$request->add(['new_param' => 'value']);
You can also use the `merge()`, `replace()`, `only()`, and `except()` methods to modify the request data.

Using Form Requests

Form requests provide another way to modify incoming request data. Form requests can be used to validate and modify the data before it is passed to the controller. Form requests provide the `prepareForValidation()` method which can be used to modify the request data before it is validated. For example, you could use the `add()` method to add a new parameter:

protected function prepareForValidation()
    $this->add(['new_param' => 'value']);
You can also use the `merge()`, `replace()`, `only()`, and `except()` methods to modify the request data. In summary, Laravel provides a number of ways to modify the data in an incoming request. The Request facade, middleware, and form requests are all useful ways to modify request data. Each method provides different ways to filter and modify the data before it is passed to the controller.

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