How to make Seeder Laravel

Learn how to set up a Laravel seeder with an example to quickly populate your database.

Creating Seeders in Laravel

Seeders are a great way to populate a database with sample data for the purpose of testing or for pre-populating a development environment. Using seeders in Laravel makes it easy to quickly set up a database with the data needed for testing.

To create a seeder, you first need to create a file in the database/seeds folder. The filename should be descriptive, so something like UsersTableSeeder.php or CarsTableSeeder.php is good. Inside the file, you can create a class for the seeder that extends the IlluminateDatabaseSeeder class:


use IlluminateDatabaseSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends Seeder


Next, you’ll need to create a run() method inside the seeder class. This method is where you’ll define your seeding logic.

public function run()


The run() method is where you’ll define the logic for what data should be seeded into the database. This will typically involve querying a database table and inserting or updating records. For example, if you wanted to seed a users table you could do something like this:

public function run()
        'name' => 'John Doe',
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'password' => bcrypt('password'),

Once you’ve written the logic for your seeder, you can then run it using the artisan command line tool. To run all seeders, you can use the db:seed command:

php artisan db:seed

You can also specify a specific seeder to run by using the --class option:

php artisan db:seed --class=UsersTableSeeder

Seeders can be a great way to quickly populate a database with sample data for testing or development purposes. By creating a seeder, you can easily add data to a database table in a consistent and repeatable way.

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