Laravel how to make a menu

Laravel: Learn how to create a menu using Blade template engine w/ an example.

Creating a Menu in Laravel

Creating a menu in Laravel is a fairly straightforward process. The first step is to create a blade template, which is the file that will contain the HTML markup for the menu. This file can be named whatever you'd like, but it's a good practice to name it something descriptive, such as "menu.blade.php". To create the template, open up a text editor and enter the following code:

    <li><a href="{{ url('/') }}">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="{{ url('/about') }}">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="{{ url('/services') }}">Services</a></li>
    <li><a href="{{ url('/contact') }}">Contact Us</a></li>

This is a basic HTML menu, with links to the home page, an "About" page, a "Services" page, and a "Contact Us" page. In this example, the URLs are being generated using the Laravel URL helper. However, you can also use absolute URLs if you'd like.

Once your template has been created, you'll need to create a navigation partial. This partial will be used to render the menu on each page. Create a new file called "nav.blade.php" and enter the following code:


This code simply includes the menu template that we created earlier. Now, you'll need to add the partial to your layout file. Open up the "app/views/layouts/master.blade.php" file and add the following line to the bottom of the file:


This will render the menu on every page of your site. You can also include the partial in any other template if you'd like. This is a very basic example, but it should give you a good starting point for creating menus in Laravel.

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