Laravel how to clean the table

Laravel: Clearing a Table with an Example: Learn how to clear a table in Laravel with an easy-to-follow example.

Cleaning a Table with Laravel

Laravel provides a variety of methods to clean table data. In this tutorial, we'll look at how to use the truncate method to clean a table. This method will delete all of the records from the table and reset the auto-incrementing ID back to 1.

We'll use the Articles table for this example. The table contains a list of articles, each with an id, title, and body column. To clean the table, we'll use the Articles model in our code.

use AppArticle;


The truncate method will delete all of the records in the Articles table and reset the auto-incrementing id field back to 1. It will also reset any other auto-incrementing fields in the table.

If you want to delete the records from the table but keep the auto-incrementing ID field, you can use the delete method instead:

use AppArticle;


The delete method will delete all of the records from the Articles table, but will not reset the auto-incrementing id field. This can be useful if you want to keep the same auto-incrementing ID for each record.

To delete specific records from the table, you can use the where and delete methods:

use AppArticle;

Article::where('title', 'Foo')->delete();

The code above will delete all records from the Articles table where the title field is equal to "Foo". This method is useful if you want to delete specific records from the table.

As you can see, Laravel provides a variety of methods to clean table data. With these methods, you can easily delete all of the records from a table, or delete specific records from a table.

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