How to make an interactive card on JavaScript

This article will show you how to create an interactive map using JavaScript, with a sample code snippet to get you started.

Creating an Interactive Card with JavaScript

Creating an interactive card with JavaScript is a great way to make a website interactive and engaging. There are many different ways to create an interactive card with JavaScript, but here is an example of how to create a simple one.

First, we will create a basic HTML page. We will add a <div> element with an id="card" attribute to the page. This <div> will contain all of the elements for our interactive card. Inside the <div>, we will add an <h1> element with the title of the card, and a <p> element for the card's content.

<div id="card">
  <h1>My Interactive Card</h1>
  <p>Welcome to my interactive card!</p>

Now that we have the basic HTML structure of our card, we can add some JavaScript to make it interactive. We will add an onclick event listener to the card <div>, which will be triggered when the card is clicked. Inside the event handler function, we will create a toggle() function that will toggle the card between two states: expanded and collapsed.

let card = document.getElementById('card');

card.addEventListener('click', function () {

function toggle() {
  let cardContent = card.querySelector('p');
  if ( === 'none') { = 'block';
  } else { = 'none';

The toggle() function will check the current state of the card by checking the display style of the card's <p> element. If the <p> element's display style is set to none, it means the card is currently collapsed, so the toggle() function will set the display style to block to expand the card. Otherwise, if the <p> element's display style is set to block, it means the card is currently expanded, so the toggle() function will set the display style to none to collapse the card.

And that's it! With just a few lines of JavaScript, we have created an interactive card that can be toggled between expanded and collapsed states.

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