JavaScript how to make a window in the window

Javascript: Learn how to create a window within a window with an example.

Creating a Window with JavaScript

Creating a window with JavaScript is a fairly straightforward process. The main steps are creating the window, setting its size and position, and then displaying it. Let's start by creating a basic window:

  // Create a new window
  let myWindow =;

The method creates a new window and returns a reference to it. We can now set the size and position of the window:

  // Set the size and position of the window
  myWindow.resizeTo(500, 500);
  myWindow.moveTo(200, 200);

The resizeTo() method sets the size of the window to 500 x 500 pixels. The moveTo() method sets the position of the window to 200 x 200 pixels. We can also set the title of the window:

  // Set the title of the window
  myWindow.document.title = 'My Window';

Finally, we can display the window by calling the show() method:

  // Show the window;

And that's all there is to it! We've now created a window with JavaScript.

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