How to make a multi -line comment on JavaScript

How to create a multi-line comment in JavaScript with an example. Learn the correct syntax and see how it looks in action.

Multi-line Comment in JavaScript

A multi-line comment in JavaScript is used to comment out multiple lines of code at once. It is similar to single-line comments, with the only difference being that the opening and closing symbols span multiple lines.

In JavaScript, the syntax for a multi-line comment looks like this:

  multi-line comment text

The opening of a multi-line comment is represented by the /* symbol. This symbol is then followed by the comment text. The closing of a multi-line comment is represented by the */ symbol. This symbol marks the end of the comment text.

An example of a multi-line comment in JavaScript is shown below:

  This is a multi-line comment in JavaScript.
  It can span multiple lines and is used to comment out
  multiple lines of code at once.

In the example above, the /* symbol marks the beginning of the comment, while the */ symbol marks the end of the comment. The text in between is the comment itself.

Multi-line comments are an essential part of JavaScript programming. They allow developers to explain their code in detail and keep their program organized. They are also useful for temporarily disabling code while debugging or testing.

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