How to make quotes in JavaScript

Use single/double quotes to add strings to a JavaScript variable. Example: let str = 'Hello World!';

How to Make Quotes in JavaScript

Quotes are an essential part of any programming language, and JavaScript is no exception. Quotes are used to create strings, which are a type of data type used to store text. Strings can be defined using single or double quotes.

// Single quotes
var myString = 'This is a string';

// Double quotes
var myString = "This is a string";

In JavaScript, quotes are also used to create comments. Comments are used to document code and explain what a program is doing. Comments are not executed by the JavaScript interpreter, so they can be used to add notes for other developers or yourself. There are two types of comments used in JavaScript: single-line and multi-line.

// Single-line comment
// This is a single-line comment

  Multi-line comment
  This is a multi-line comment

Quotes can also be used to create template literals, which are special strings that can contain variables, expressions, and other JavaScript code. Template literals are defined using back-ticks instead of single or double quotes.

// Template literal
var myString = `This is a template literal`;

// Template literal with expression
var myString = `The result of 1 + 1 is ${1 + 1}`;

Quotes are a powerful tool in JavaScript, and they are used in a variety of ways. Whether you are creating strings, comments, or template literals, quotes are an important part of any JavaScript program.

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