Sublime Text how to make syntax lighting

Learn how to use Sublime Text to syntax highlight code with an example.

How to Make Syntax Lighting in Sublime Text

Syntax lighting or syntax highlighting is a feature in Sublime Text that helps make code more readable. When enabled, it will color the text according to the language you’re using. This can make it easier to recognize important parts of your code, as well as spot any errors more quickly. Here’s how to enable syntax lighting in Sublime Text.

To enable syntax lighting in Sublime Text, open the Preferences menu and select “Settings – Syntax Specific”. This will open up a new window where you can select the language you want to enable syntax lighting for. Once you’ve selected the language, click “Apply” to save your changes.

Once syntax lighting has been enabled, the code in your document will be color-coded according to the language you’ve selected. This can make it easier to identify functions, classes, variables, and other elements of your code. It can also help to spot any errors more quickly.

You can also customize the syntax lighting in Sublime Text to make it more readable. To do this, open the Preferences menu and select “Settings – Syntax Specific – User”. This will open up a new window where you can customize the colors and styles used for syntax lighting. You can also edit the color scheme used for the text, which can help to make your code more readable.

// Example code for enabling syntax lighting in Sublime Text
// Open the Preferences menu;

// Select "Settings – Syntax Specific""Syntax Specific");

// Select the language you want to enable syntax lighting for
var language = "JavaScript";

// Apply the changes

By following the steps above, you should now be able to enable syntax lighting in Sublime Text. The code in your document will be color-coded according to the language you’ve selected, making it easier to read and spot any errors. You can also customize the syntax lighting to make it more readable.

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