Sublime Text does not highlight the code

Sublime Text - powerful text editor with syntax highlighting & example code to get you started quickly.

Syntax Highlighting with Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a powerful text editor that includes many helpful features, such as syntax highlighting. Syntax highlighting is a feature that helps you identify different parts of your code and make it easier to read. The editor will color-code certain keywords, functions, and other elements, depending on the language you are working in. This makes your code easier to read and understand.

For example, if you are writing JavaScript code, Sublime Text will highlight certain keywords like function, if, and while. It will also highlight variables, strings, and other elements. This makes it easier to find errors in your code and spot potential problems.

You can customize the syntax highlighting in Sublime Text to make it even more useful. You can change the colors used to highlight different elements, or even create your own custom highlighting rules. This can be a great way to make your code easier to read and understand.

To use syntax highlighting in Sublime Text, you need to select the language you are using from the bottom right corner of the window. Once you have selected the language, the editor will automatically highlight your code accordingly. You can also change the colors used for highlighting by going to Preferences → Color Scheme. From here, you can choose a new color scheme or create your own.

function greetUser(name) {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

// Output: Hello, John!

As you can see, syntax highlighting is a valuable tool when working with code. It makes it easier to read and understand, and can help you spot potential errors. Sublime Text makes it easy to customize the syntax highlighting to suit your needs, so you can make your code even easier to read.

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