How to close the html tag

Learn to close HTML tags properly: example & explanation on how to properly close HTML tags.

The html tag is used to define the start and end of an html document. To close an html tag, simply type a forward slash (/) followed by the tag name. For example, to close the <p> tag, you would type </p>.

Where to Place the Closing Tag

When writing html, it is important to remember to always close any tags that you have opened. For example, if you open a <div> tag, you must make sure to close it with a </div> tag somewhere else in your document. This ensures that the browser knows where the end of the div element is and can properly display the content within it.

It is also important to make sure that the closing tag is placed in the right place. For example, if you open a <p> tag, the closing </p> tag should be placed directly after the content that it encloses. This helps ensure that the browser knows which content belongs to the paragraph and which does not.

Finally, remember to close any tags that you open. Not closing a tag can cause errors on your page and prevent it from displaying correctly. It is important to always check your code to make sure all tags are properly closed.


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