How to make text fat css

Learn how to make text bold using CSS with a simple example and code snippet.

Making Text Fat with CSS

Making text fat in CSS is a quite simple process. The most important thing you need to do is to make sure that the font-weight of the text is set to bold. You can do this by using the font-weight property in the CSS declaration.

.your-text-class {
    font-weight: bold;

The font-weight property can be set to the values normal, bold, bolder, and lighter. The default value for this property is normal. As you can see, the bold value is used to make the text fat.

Another way to make text fat in CSS is to use the font-size property. You can use the font-size property to make the font size larger. This will make the text look bolder and thicker.

.your-text-class {
    font-size: 24px;

You can also use the font-weight and font-size properties together to make text look even bolder and thicker.

.your-text-class {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 24px;

Finally, you can also use the font-family property to make text fat. The font-family property allows you to set different font families for the text. For example, using a font family such as Arial Black will make the text look bolder and thicker.

.your-text-class {
    font-family: Arial Black;

As you can see, making text fat in CSS is quite easy. All you need to do is to set the font-weight, font-size, and font-family properties of the text element. With these properties, you can make text look bolder and thicker.

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