How to make a redirect from one page to another in WordPress

Learn how to redirect one WordPress page to another with a simple step-by-step guide and example.

Redirecting in WordPress with a Plugin

WordPress makes it easy to create redirects without manually editing the .htaccess file. One of the best ways to create redirects is to install a plugin. There are several redirect plugins available for WordPress users.

For example, the Redirection plugin is a great option that lets you easily manage 301 redirects. It also allows you to keep track of 404 errors, create custom redirects, and more. To use the plugin, you first need to install and activate it. Once it’s activated, you can go to Tools » Redirection to set up your redirects.

Once there, you can click on the ‘Add new redirection’ button to add a new redirect. On the next page, you need to add the source URL and the target URL for your redirect. The source URL is the old URL you want to redirect, and the target URL is the new URL where you want to send visitors.

// Source URL

// Target URL

You can also choose the type of redirect you want to set up. WordPress redirect plugins usually offer 301 redirects, which is the best type of redirect for SEO. You can also select the type of matching you want to use for the redirect. If you select ‘URL only’, it will only redirect exact matches.

Once you’re done setting up the redirect, don’t forget to click on the ‘Add Redirection’ button to save your changes. You can also monitor any 404 errors on your site and set up redirects for them. This helps you ensure that visitors don’t get a 404 error when they try to access your old URLs.

Once you’ve set up the redirects, they will start working immediately. You don’t need to make any changes to your .htaccess file, as the plugin will take care of that for you.

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