How to make a copy of the site on WordPress

Learn how to create a WordPress website clone with step-by-step instructions and an example.

Making a Copy of a WordPress Site

Creating a copy of a WordPress site is a great way to test out changes to the website or protect against any malfunctions. It can be done in a few easy steps.

Step 1: Backup Database and Files

The first step to creating a copy of a WordPress site is to backup both the database and files. You can do this manually or use a plugin such as UpdraftPlus. Manually, you can connect to your hosting provider, download the files and database, then store them locally or in a safe place. With UpdraftPlus, you can easily export the files and database in one click.

Step 2: Install WordPress on the New Server

Once you have the files and database backed up, the next step is to install WordPress on the new server. This can be done in two ways. The first is to install WordPress manually. This involves downloading the WordPress files from the website, uploading them to the server, and creating a database for the WordPress installation. The second is to use a one-click installer such as Softaculous. This is a much simpler method, as it only requires you to enter a few details and click “install”.

Step 3: Upload the Backup Files

Once WordPress is installed on the new server, the next step is to upload the backup files. This can be done using an FTP client such as FileZilla, or by using the built-in WordPress importer. The WordPress importer allows you to upload a backup of your WordPress database and files. Once the files are uploaded, the importer will automatically restore the database and files.

Step 4: Configure the WordPress Installation

Once the files and database are uploaded, the next step is to configure the WordPress installation. This involves setting up the database connection, configuring the WordPress settings, and setting up the theme and plugins. The database connection can be configured by editing the wp-config.php file and entering the database credentials. The WordPress settings can be configured in the WordPress admin area. The theme and plugins can be activated by navigating to the “Appearance” and “Plugins” sections of the WordPress admin area.

Step 5: Test the WordPress Installation

The final step is to test the WordPress installation. This can be done by visiting the website and testing out the various features. If everything is working as expected, then the copy of the WordPress site is complete!


Creating a copy of a WordPress site is a great way to test out changes or protect against any malfunctions. It can be done in a few easy steps, such as backing up the database and files, installing WordPress on the new server, uploading the backup files, configuring the WordPress installation, and testing the WordPress installation.

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